Monday 25 June 2012

Knee Pain

Knee pain, runners knee and ITB syndrome are all problems associated with the knee which can mostly be treated without drugs or surgery. Soft tissue injuries around the knee can easily be treated with the R.I.C.E method of Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. When related to arthritic problems, heat and movement help enormously to heal the condition and the faster you seek treatment the earlier recovery will be possible to avoid developing greater severity of the problem. 

It is recommended that sufferers of knee pain and conditions such as those listed above only perform low impact exercises that strengthen the muscles without injuring the joints (swimming, cycling, walking). A muscle strengthening program is essential in recovering from knee problems to avoid surgery which often results in degenerative disorders. 

Degenerative changes such as osteoarthritis are more likely to develop if knee surgery takes place. Myotherapy is recommended for muscle tears to help restore integrity and strength around the area without having to resort to toxic drugs or intrusive surgery.

Most sprains of the ligaments heal fast if the client follows a Myotherapists advice and recovery program which includes self care exercises. In cases where the ITB is affected and causing restriction, strengthening and stretching exercises help the process of recovery, alleviating the IT band pain. People often think that training will only make things worse when it comes to knee problems however this could not be further from the truth. 

Training the hamstrings and inner and outer thigh can help significantly in the healing of knee problems. Strength and flexibility are key to restoring balance to any musculoskeletal condition. Daily movement no matter what, is essential to keep things functioning properly, and where there is resistance, you must have persistence, in getting things back to normal.  
Problems such as Patellar Tracking Disorder come from an imbalance in the knee that causes the kneecap (Patella) to tilt as the leg angles bend which result in chronic and acute types of pain. Often the problems are a result of weakness in the thigh muscles (quadriceps), overuse, RSI, strain, trauma to the area or a growth spurt. The key is allowing the knee to rest when it is aggravated while strengthening the muscles around it to restore normal tracking and repair damage, with correct guidance and technique. 

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