Saturday, 30 April 2011

Mother's "May" at Advanced Myotherapy

It's almost mid Autumn as we approach Mother's Day on Sunday the 8th of May!

This month we have a very Special offer for all Mothers Massage with a huge 50% off with the mention of this promotion. So be sure to spread the word and get Mum in for some much needed self care & time out.

This issue we discuss: 
  • Self Care as priority for both injury prevention & recovery
  • The benefits of Aromatherapy in treating many ailments "naturally"
  • How diet impacts on the many aspects of our wellbeing
  • Top 5 foods to help prevent illness & disease
  • Natural ways to detox, the drug free way

Self Care as priority for both injury prevention & recovery

The power of Self Care when it comes to injury prevention & recovery is the most vital influence over the strength and flexibility that allows the body to both avoid and heal from any kind of injury. Our priority is educating our clients in correct self care practices, such as stretching, exercise, lifestyle and diet as main points that play a role in our capacity to maintain physical balance.

We cannot stress enough, the great importance of lengthening and strengthening the muscles with both stretching and exercise, particularly light resistance training, when it comes to daily self care. There are many small things that we can do to nurture ourselves, that each go a great distance in helping us to maintain physical integrity, which contributes enormously to, if not mirrors our mental health. 

The benefits of Aromatherapy in treating many ailments "naturally"

One of the advantages of using Aromatherapy in our treatments is having the therapeutic benefits and results double from our work. Using a range of highly medicinal pure plant derived botanical essences, Aromatherapy is one of the most recognised therapeutic healing methods employed by many practitioners for many many years. One of the most abundantly used essential oils, known for it's highly therapeutic benefits is Lavender oil.

The healing properties of Lavender oil are many, being one of the most calming, of aromas, it is known to assist with sleeping and a range of other ailments associated with stress and nerve damage such as burns. Lavender is an essential item in any household, for it has both anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. 

Lavender is also a popular oil in assisting with the relief of PMT (pre-menstrual tension), anxiety and insomnia. There is a long list of ailments that are effectively prevented and healed with natures pharmacy. Aromatherapy employs the many healing properties of plant essences and is a method of healing too commonly bypassed in the attempt to treat illness. 

How diet impacts on the many aspects of our wellbeing

Diet is one of the most powerful and fundamental aspects of self care that contribute to our wellbeing. Eliminating packaged processed lifeless foods is one of the fastest, most effective ways of not only losing weight and detoxing, but simply being at the most vital and highest functioning that you can be, mentally, emotionally and physically. Women especially are influenced substantially by the foods they eat, when it comes to moods. 

There are certain foods that considered especially beneficial for improving moods. Citrus fruits are particularly known for their uplifting properties, as are all yellow and orange foods. The brighter the food, the brighter the mood.  

The Top 5 foods to help prevent illness & disease

The must have foods for the kitchen at all times include the most medicinal offerings nature has to offer. 
  1. Sea salt has healing properties that extend themselves across all areas of health. Helping the body to absorb nutrients, natural salt is essential for muscle health, heart health and keeping the Doctor away. When dehydrated and in hospital, people are placed in IV saline! What is saline? Salt water! It seems crazy that people can ignore that this costs money when it's free to drink salt water or simply to ensure sufficient intake through the diet. 
  2. Garlic may keep people at a distance, though it's another golden gift of nature that keeps the Doctor away. It's no wonder people love the taste and smell of it in cooking. The body has an innate wisdom, that just knows what is good for it. It is also quite easy to grow, simply placing a clove in soil, it usually starts to shoot quite immediately. A natural antibacterial, you will not become ill with any kind of bacterial, viral or fungal infection if you include enough garlic in your diet, which means there is no need for the anti-bacterial gels and soaps that, not only contain nasty chemicals, but dry out the skin.
  3. Onion has powerful antibacterial properties like garlic that support the immune system substantially. Roasted with vegetable, mixed in a stir fry or contained in a salad, it's a diverse food that can be added for great flavor to many types of meals or cooking. A staple in many Asian styles of cooking for it's medicinal properties, onion is one of the top preventative foods when it comes to infection, illness and disease.
  4. Honey is natures gold. Helping to break down mucous, like salt, it serves in a very balancing way, to soothe and heal infections of all kinds. The healing powers of honey are many, known to support the immune system and its ability to cleanse and purify. Like salt, no bacteria or impurities can exist in it's presence, so make sure you have it in your kitchen at all times. Sweeter than sugar, its a far healthier option and great alternative for those morning cups of tea.
  5. Lemon is one of the ultimate healing foods. With unbeatable cleansing and purification powers, it's a fruit that has enormous energy to support immunity and particularly the function of the liver, with it's detoxing benefits. Hot water in the morning with a squeezed lemon is a sure way to pre-vent and quickly treat many health conditions as it flushes the system very effectively.

Natural ways to detox, the drug free way...

Congestion is a prominent problem in our chemically overloaded environment, which can place a great deal of pressure on liver function, to flush and purify the toxins in the body. The mucous and congestion build up is hardened by treatment with pharmaceutical drugs, which merely masks the problem. Alternatively, many people are becoming "used to" this congestion build up, suffering needlessly with compromised hearing, vision and sense of smell, unknowingly. Sinusitis and blocked ears are often treated with nasal toxic sprays and invasive procedures such as syringing that can be quite painful. 

A natural method of clearing out mucous congestion, beyond prevention through diet, as discussed above, is Ear Candling. This is a gentle method of removing build up wax deposits from within and around the ear canals, sinus and neck area. Ear Candling is carried out using a hollow canvas tube as a gentle vacuum from the heat of the flame, drawing out wax and mucous from the ears, through a cone, that the canvas tube rests in. This method of healing has been used since ancient Egyptians developed it and continues to be employed as the most effective way of clearing congestion such as blocked sinus and ears. Click here to read more about how Ear Candling can help you.

You can also click here to read our latest post on "How to Clear Congestion".  

Remember this month we have a very Special offer for all Mothers with a huge 50% off Massage!

Please pass this on to all of the mothers you know and care about..We also have a 10% off Gift vouchers for all our our facebook friends, so head to the page and click "Like" today to receive the discount, on our Mother's Day promotion offer. 

Its "Mother's May" at Advanced Myotherapy, so say "I love you" with a Gift Certificate for Mother's Day, on Sunday the 8th of May and be sure to let her know about our Special Mother's Only Offer this month! 

Have a fantastic month everyone! Take care. 

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